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Business card on unbleached cycle paper printed on Swan-labeled printing company in Denmark.

Printed as offset printing, which ensures optimum print quality and durability.

Calculation module during editing, so far can offer be obtained on info@grontkontor.dk


Width:54 cm
Height:0.03 cm
Weight:0.002 kg
Length:85 cm

DKK 8.50 ekskl. moms

1-99 100-249 250-499 500-999 1000-2499 2500-4999 5000-9999 10000+
DKK 8.50 DKK 8.50 DKK 4.68 DKK 2.55 DKK 1.28 DKK 0.85 DKK 0.60 DKK 0.34


    Format: 85x54 mm + evt. 2mm til beskæring

Normal delivery time:8 hverdage

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