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Fully equipped and sustainable cheese set in 4 parts. The set comes with a cutting and presentation board made of slate that is removable for easy cleaning. The tools are made of stainless steel and with bamboo handles. The entire cheese set is collected in a punched bamboo box. Supplied in an individual box.

Bamboo is an extremely sustainable material, and one of the fastest growing plants in the world, which means rapid regeneration when harvested. Bamboo is grown without pesticides or artificial fertilizers and, like other natural products, functions as a CO2 depot throughout the products lifetime. Steel/iron is a recyclable and practically unlimited resource that does not pollute when disposed of. Steel offers the possibility of repeated recycling ad infinitum, which means that the vast majority of steel on the market consists predominantly of recycled steel.


Width:24 cm
Height:4 cm
Weight:1,7000 kg
Length:12 cm

DKK 249,- ekskl. moms

1-2 3-9 10-24 25-49 50-99 100-499 500-2499 2500+
DKK 249.00 DKK 224.10 DKK 211.65 DKK 186.75 DKK 174.30 DKK 161.85 DKK 154.38 DKK 144.42

    Upload trykfil max. trykareal 35 x 5 mm

Normal delivery time:1-2 working days

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