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Windproof and environmentally friendly umbrella in a compact design, with a diameter of 95 cm. Metal rods and manual folding mechanism and wooden handles. Screen, carrying strap and bag made from rPET recycled plastic. The umbrella can be delivered with logo print on screen in up to 8 colors (180 x 100 mm) and laser engraving on handles (12 x 30 mm).

rPET (recycled polyethylene) is a food-grade recyclable plastic that is typically made from recycled water bottles. rPET is – despite its fossil origin – a sustainable material. rPET has an extremely high carbon content, and therefore functions as an effective carbon depot throughout the lifespan of the product and recycled products. If plastic is not recycled, it will either break down into CO2 and contribute to the greenhouse effect, or end up as polluting waste. For every tonne of recycled plastic, 3.8 barrels of oil are saved.

Fremstillet af genbrugsmaterialer


Width:5 cm
Height:10,5 cm
Weight:0,285 kg
Length:26 cm

DKK 69,- ekskl. moms

  • *Farve

    Reset options

    Tryk på udfoldet område

    Max trykareal 180 x 100 mm

    • (max file size 2 GB)

    Lasergravering på håndtag

    Max trykareal 12 x 30 mm

    • (max file size 2 GB)
Normal delivery time:1-2 work days

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