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Use the display case to showcase decorative items, products or other valuable items you wish to display in an elegant manner.
An eco-friendly product for trade fairs or in-store exhibitions.

Glass is a sustainable recyclable material that is made from true recycled glass waste. Large amounts of energy are consumed for both manufacturing and recycling, so the degree of sustainability depends on the energy source in the manufacturing process. Glass does not pollute when disposed.



Width:25 cm
Height:33 cm
Weight:2.91 kg
Length:40 cm

DKK 539,- ekskl. moms

1-2 3-9 10-24 25-49 50-99 100-499 500-2499 2500+
DKK 539.00 DKK 485.10 DKK 458.15 DKK 404.25 DKK 377.30 DKK 350.35 DKK 334.18 DKK 312.62

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