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Podium in re-board, which is a material made of FSC-certified recycled cardboard made from fibers from the Nordic countries. Comes in a practical transport box – with its light weight it provides easy transport and set-up The podium is 100 cm high, but also available in 50 and 75 cm, all variants have a diameter of 35 cm

NOTE. Supplied as standard brown/brown, available in elliptical shape at the same price

If individual parts are damaged or bumped, parts can be easily ordered to replace the damaged parts.

The FSC certification ensures replanting of forests, protection of animal and plant life and ensuring good pay and working conditions.


FSC-certificeret Fremstillet af genbrugsmaterialer


Width:35 cm
Height:100 cm
Length:35 cm

DKK 1,800,- ekskl. moms

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