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Eco-friendly wristband for events and festivals made from recycled plastic, reducing resource and energy consumption. This supports a greener future. Adjustable and with safety lock. Available with or without print.

rPET (recycled polyethylene) is a food-grade recyclable plastic that is typically made from recycled water bottles. rPET is – despite its fossil origin – a sustainable material. rPET has an extremely high carbon content, and therefore functions as an effective carbon depot throughout the lifespan of the product and recycled products. If plastic is not recycled, it will either break down into CO2 and contribute to the greenhouse effect, or end up as polluting waste. For every tonne of recycled plastic, 3.8 barrels of oil are saved.


Fremstillet af genbrugsmaterialer


SKU sf13530 Categories , , Tag
Width:1.5 cm
Weight:0.002 kg
Length:35 cm

DKK 5.50 ekskl. moms

  • *Color

    Reset options

    Max. trykområde 70 x 9 mm

    • (max file size 2 GB)

    Max. trykområde 350 x 15 mm (hele armbåndet)

    • (max file size 2 GB)
Normal delivery time:5-10 business days

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