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This bluetooth head-set is produced using environmentally friendly RABS (Recycled ABS). The headphones come in a charging case made from the same recycled plastic material and recycled leather, and includes a type C charging cable.

It is a great option for a company or employee gift.

The product is individually packaged in cardboard boxes.

Fremstillet af genbrugsmaterialer


Fremstillet af genbrugsmaterialer


Width:2,4 cm
Height:4,5 cm
Weight:0,033 kg
Length:5,7 cm

DKK 139,- ekskl. moms

1-2 3-9 10-24 25-49 50-99 100-499 500-2499 2500+
DKK 139.00 DKK 125.10 DKK 118.15 DKK 104.25 DKK 97.30 DKK 90.35 DKK 86.18 DKK 80.62

    Max trykareal 160 x 50 mm

Normal delivery time:1-2 working days

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