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Exclusive pen set in a nice, classically designed gift box made of bamboo. The set contains two high-quality pens made of bamboo and metal, which makes them obvious sustainable alternatives to polluting PVC pens, e.g. due to their long shelf life. The pen set can be delivered with or without printing or with engraving.

Bamboo is an extremely sustainable material, and one of the fastest growing plants in the world, which means rapid regeneration when harvested. Bamboo is grown without pesticides or artificial fertilizers and, like other natural products, functions as a CO2 depot throughout the products lifetime.


Width:1,2 cm
Height:1,2 cm
Weight:0,138 kg
Length:14,4 cm

DKK 129,- ekskl. moms

1-2 3-9 10-24 25-49 50-99 100-499 500-2499 2500+
DKK 129.00 DKK 116.10 DKK 109.65 DKK 96.75 DKK 90.30 DKK 83.85 DKK 79.98 DKK 74.82
  • Tryk på æske

    Max trykareal 100 x 35 mm

    • (max file size 2 GB)

    Tryk på penne


    Max trykareal 35 x 6 mm

    • (max file size 2 GB)
Normal delivery time:1-2 working days

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