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Climate-friendly wood-free document cover. A climate- and environmentally-friendly product. Made from agricultural residues such as stems and leaves that are usually burned. The environmental impact is significantly lower than in the manufacture of folders made of wood. The price covers a package of 10 pieces.
Made in the EU. Supplied with or without print.
Paper / cardboard is usually produced from recycled paper or wood, which is a renewable resource. Paper is biodegradable and recyclable up to approx. 7 times. Recycled paper, PEFC or FSC certified paper is clearly preferable from an environmental point of view. Ask for a quotation for printing or laser engraving at jens@grontkontor.dk

Fremstillet i EU Fremstillet af genbrugsmaterialer


Width:4 cm
Height:31,0 cm
Weight:0.032 kg
Length:22,5 cm

DKK 38,- ekskl. moms

1-2 3-9 10-24 25-49 50-99 100-499 500-2499 2500+
DKK 38.00 DKK 34.20 DKK 32.30 DKK 28.50 DKK 26.60 DKK 24.70 DKK 23.56 DKK 22.04
Normal delivery time:1-2 business days

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