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Smart eco-friendly 2-in-one board, incl. chalk and whiteboard markers as well as double-sided sponge for cleaning. Neat format that makes it suitable as a nice little employee gift or giveaway. Supplied with or without printing or laser engraving.


Width:21 cm
Height:1,20 cm
Weight:0.316 kg
Length:31 cm

DKK 59,- ekskl. moms

1-2 3-9 10-24 25-49 50-99 100-499 500-2499 2500+
DKK 59.00 DKK 53.10 DKK 50.15 DKK 44.25 DKK 41.30 DKK 38.35 DKK 36.58 DKK 34.22

    Trykareal max. 12 x 160 mm

    • (max file size 2 GB)
Normal delivery time:1-2 business days

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